
Questions: How

how question example

How long is the Amazon river? How much money or time? How well are you? How long do you take to school? How many brothers? How far is from BH to Rio? How are you? How fast can you drive? How big is the USA? How old are you? How high is mount Everest? How […]

Questions: How

How Questions

how well? how long? how high? how old? how how much? how many? how far?

Indefinte Pronouns

Any no every some

Some Someone Somebody Something Somewhere Sometime Any Anyone Anybody Anything Anywhere Anytime Every Everyone Everybody Everything Everywhere Everytime No None Nobody Nothing Nowhere

Pronouns: Relative

Relative Pronouns

whoever whomever whom who whose where wherever what whatever whichever which what why that Choose whichever country you wish to visit? I offered the course to whomever is willing to speak English. I don´t know whoever did it. The girl whose father is Russian. The girl whose father is Russian. I do whatever is necessary. […]

Pronouns: Personal

personal pronouns

I – me – my – mine – myself you – you – your – yours – yourself he – him – his – his – himself she – her – her – hers – herself it – it – its – its – itself we – us – our – ours – ourselves They […]



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