Nouns: Abstract

Abstract Nouns
An abstract noun is a word that represents an idea, quality, or concept that cannot be physically touched or seen.** It’s something you can’t perceive with your five senses.
Examples of Abstract Nouns
Emotions:** happiness, sadness, anger, love, fear
* **Qualities:** beauty, honesty, kindness, intelligence, courage
* **Ideas:** freedom, justice, peace, democracy, philosophy
* **Concepts:** time, space, knowledge, existence, reality
Contrast with Concrete Nouns
To better understand abstract nouns, it’s helpful to contrast them with concrete nouns. **Concrete nouns** are things you can perceive with your senses.
Concrete noun:** table (you can see and touch it)
Abstract noun:** happiness (you can’t see or touch it)
Would you like to practice identifying abstract nouns?**
I can give you some sentences and ask you to identify the abstract nouns, or I can provide a list of words and you can categorize them as abstract or concrete.